Posted in Podcast & Game

[Reflection]: Twine Game: Moment of Truth & Restaurant

Here is the link for the first game and second game:

What a delightful collaboration with Crystal and Stella on yet another project! This time, we ventured into crafting two versions of a Twine Game, with “Moment of Truth” being the one I was most deeply involved in. This idea sprouted from my experience with the “Monster Prom” game on Steam. While I struggled to advance in the original game, I saw this as an opportunity to gain insight into game strategies by creating one. The pandemic had kept me away from any real prom experiences for a while, so immersing myself in creating this virtual prom was both fulfilling and nostalgic.

Our game revolves around guiding players through choices that, if made correctly, allow them to attend the prom with their preferred character. I curated images to enhance the gaming atmosphere, while collective brainstorming sessions with Crystal and Stella solidified our game’s theme. Our synergy was evident; we collaborated effortlessly in the library, making our communication streamlined and effective. However, we did recognize certain shortcomings, primarily our game’s subjectivity and lack of concrete facts.

This led Stella to spearhead another game, “Restaurant,” focusing on the theme of meat production—a subject she’s deeply passionate about. While she took charge of research, I supported by clarifying terminologies. Presenting our games to the class was straightforward. I elucidated my perspectives on both games and highlighted the significance of one meat product, emphasizing the importance of environmental and animal welfare.

This Twine Game project imparted several invaluable lessons. The importance of logical thinking, the necessity of supporting ideas with factual evidence, and the intricate balance of design and problem-solving in game creation became more pronounced. I’ve also recognized the indispensability of planning and the power of robust evidence to reinforce my writings. Most significantly, the experience underscored the beauty of teamwork. Working with Stella and Crystal has been a boon; their thoughtfulness and support have not only made our projects a success but also enriched my communication skills.

Posted in Podcast & Game

[Co-Producer Reflection]: Public Health is Beyond My Thought

I owe a debt of gratitude to my teammates for introducing me to the realm of public health. As a business school student immersed in calculations and formulas, venturing into an entirely different field was truly exhilarating. Stella conducted interviews with two individuals: the Executive Director of Admission and Recruitment at the Emory Rollins School of Public Health and a scholar currently enrolled in the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Through the podcast, I not only grasped the importance of public health but also gained insights into the impact of COVID-19 on public health in our educational community and the student body at large. The podcast is a treasure trove of intriguing and valuable information. Prior to this project, my understanding of public health was nebulous, with hospitals being my primary association.

In my role as an assistant producer, I gleaned much from my teammates. Stella, our producer, showcased immense dedication and responsibility. Initially, she set her sights on interviewing the director of admission at the Rollins School of Public Health. In a bid to diversify the podcast, she reached out to a student at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. While I wasn’t involved in the editing process, I can surmise that Stella invested considerable time and effort, given the depth and length of the interviews, especially in relation to the possible impacts of the pandemic on public health graduate program admissions. The final podcast is a testament to her tenacity and skill. The coherence between her choice of music and content left a profound impression on me. Additionally, Crystal’s impeccable writing skills shone through in the podcast’s introduction and conclusion.

This podcast not only enlightened me about the multifaceted challenges during the pandemic but also afforded me the privilege of collaborating with two exceptional teammates.

Posted in Podcast & Game

[Producer Reflection]: Language instruction Aboard vs. In-Person

In this podcast episode, our aim was to spotlight the challenges faced by language professors from diverse countries as they adapted to online teaching during the pandemic. While much attention has been directed towards students—particularly international students grappling with time zone differences—the narrative of professors teaching from their home countries abroad remains underexplored. We dedicated this episode to uncover the story of Professor Yoojin, a Korean language educator at Emory, who transitioned between virtual and physical classrooms.

During her online teaching stint in Korea, Professor Yoojin grappled with keeping students engaged and discerning their interest level—a task made even more challenging without the nuance of face-to-face communication. These experiences prompted her to reevaluate foundational teaching methodologies. Yet, her return to in-person teaching revealed a silver lining: the pandemic had underscored the often-underestimated value of non-verbal cues and interpersonal relationships in education.

I was particularly vested in this theme, having experienced the challenges of online language learning firsthand. During my freshman year, I enrolled in Professor Yoojin’s Korean 101 and 102 courses, adjusting to early morning classes from China. I was curious to understand her perspective, teaching remotely from Korea. Our subsequent interview was candid and filled with shared laughter, attesting to our shared connection despite the virtual medium.

The podcast’s production was collaborative from the outset. We started with pre-planned interview questions, followed by in-person recordings. My team—Stella, Crystal, and I—devised an introduction, an ABT (And, But, Therefore) structure, and a conclusion. While I handled the initial editing and visual design using Canva, Crystal refined the audio, enhancing the background score.

Navigating the unfamiliar terrain of podcast editing, I encountered hiccups with file format conversions, leading me to transition from Audacity to Audition. Stella and Crystal were invaluable throughout this process; their insights and skills were crucial to the podcast’s completion. Our experience underscored the significance of communication and collaborative effort in achieving a shared vision.

Looking forward, I will approach writing assignments with a comprehensive plan, drawing inspiration from our podcast production process. The synergy between Stella, Crystal, and myself exemplified the potency of teamwork and peer learning, reinforcing their indispensability in academic and creative endeavors.

This is a link for our podcast .